Toddler Programs

Toddler Programs

Our Toddler Program is designed for children 12 months to 2.6 years of age.

Our toddler program is designed based on the knowledge that toddlers aren’t meant to sit still. Our teachers work hard to provide an atmosphere that not only stimulates your toddler but also helps them to achieve developmental milestones at a pace that is most appropriate for them. What will you find in our toddler classrooms?  

Character Development

Being a toddler is hard work. At this age, toddlers are craving independence while still requiring assistance, which can be very confusing and frustrating for them. Our staff is working on building security, confidence, and regulation through empathy, recognition, and acceptance.  Toddlers will experience positive redirection, as they are shown what they can do instead of being told what they cannot do.  

Defined Play Areas

Our teachers with our Director of Quality Improvement to design a room arrangement that allows several types of play to occur at once. We ensure that our more active areas,  such as Blocks and Dramatic Play are kept separate from more quiet areas such as the classroom Library and the Science Area, where toddlers require more concentration. We also are sure to create different types of play spaces so toddlers can play alone or in small groups.  

Secure open spaces

Children will have several opportunities for active play while in our care, both indoors and outdoors. We provide play equipment that is safe and challenging for your toddler, to help satisfy their gross motor need.  

Meals, snacks, free lunch, and free wipes are included. 

Personal Touches

Your child’s classroom will be filled with bright, intentional photos along with their personal artwork to help make the environment their own. Our toddler rooms are equipped with display cases that are down at their level, and allow them to see family photographs and their masterpieces in a  way that speaks to them.  

Developmentally Appropriate Materials

We know toddlers use their senses to explore materials, which is why our toddler rooms have sand to scoop, playdough to squish, and objects to bang and make noises with. In addition, we provide materials that are aligned with the Infant/Toddler Environmental Rating  Systems (ITERS) used by the state to assess quality. We go beyond providing the basics and ensure high-quality enhancements to each play area, from a variety of baby dolls and accessories in our Dramatic Play area to accessories such as animals, people, and cars in our block area. Our goal is to make each area inviting and engaging and to embed learning opportunities throughout the classroom in a seamless fashion.  

Child-sized furniture

We aim to encourage independence in toddlers by providing chairs, tables, and shelves that are sturdy, safe, and just the right height.  

We look forward to meeting you and your family, and to providing a one-of-a-kind experience that can grow with your family. 

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