How To Prepare Your Toddler For Preschool 

When a toddler starts preschool, it is considered a considerable milestone for the child and you as the parent. The transition from always being with one another to suddenly being apart can be challenging, but taking the first step to formal learning can also be filled with excitement. 

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In this blog, our team at the ABC East Child Development Center has highlighted when toddlers should go to school, five tips on preparing your toddler for preschool, and why seeking out the expertise of a child development center is an excellent choice for early childhood education and development. Let’s dive in!

When Should Toddlers Go To Preschool? 

Toddlers generally start preschool between the ages of three and five, although some programs can begin earlier. However, each family’s decision about when a child should start preschool is individual. The best time typically depends on whether the child has had the necessary opportunities to learn social skills at home.

If the child has no siblings or access to regular playdates or cousins, preschool is an integral place for the learning and development of social skills. In such a case, starting earlier, around age two to three, instead of later is best. 

How To Prepare Your Toddler For Preschool? Follow These Tips

Here are the five tips to prepare your toddler for preschool:

  1. Teach Your Toddler How To Clean Up After Themselves

Teaching your child good manners can never be done too early. In fact, it is the first step in getting them to tidy up after themselves, and if they can do this, they will be better prepared for preschool. You don’t need a challenging chore routine. Simply teach them to take their dishes to the kitchen after a meal or pack away toys after playing with them. 

  1. Enforce Regular Bedtimes

Letting set bedtimes slip over the summer break can be an easy mistake for parents to make. However, toddlers need a lot more sleep when they start attending preschool than if they were away on vacation, so it is important to enforce regular bedtimes

Getting a good night’s sleep will help children develop their brains and concentrate better in the classroom. Additionally, regular bedtimes are a great way to prepare them for nap time during preschool. 

  1. Visit The School Together

Before your toddler starts preschool, if you have the time and the preschool permits, go with them to their preschool and look around the grounds. Explore the classrooms and play together on the playground. Doing this before starting their first day can help make them feel more comfortable and familiar with the preschool.

  1. Practice Pretend Play 

To help familiarize your child with preschool, incorporate the pretend play practice. 

You can take turns acting out varying classroom routines such as nap time, storytime, and singing songs. You can even take it a step further and allow your child the chance to be the teacher. Doing this will help your child consider preschool an exciting and fun place, reducing anxiety from day one. 

  1. Discuss Your Child’s Emotions

Before your child starts preschool, tell them how they feel about going and reassure them that worry, excitement, and other emotions are normal. Going to a new place and starting something new can often feel scary for children, but it’s essential to show them how much fun it can be. Also, constantly reassure your child that you will be there to fetch them at the end of the day to lessen their separation fears.

Book A Tour Of ABC East Child Development Center To Find Your Toddler The Best Preschool

If your child is at the age where they should be starting preschool, why not take a tour of ABC East Child Development Center to find your toddler the best preschool for their needs? Our educational centers are revolutionizing child care by creating a space designed for safety and healthy learning. Reach out to book a tour today by contacting us here. We’re looking forward to meeting with you and your little one.  

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