About Us

Our 5-Star Approach






About ABC Ault

Positioned as model child care programs, ABC Child Development Centers and Bright School-Age Centers in Ault stress the significance of commitment from management, teaching staff, and support staff for the authentic attainment of positive effects. We endeavor for each center to be a source of comfort, alleviating the strains in the lives of families through the compassionate care provided by our dedicated staff.

Our Commitment to Excellence

  • To provide the finest educational experience for all of our children.
  • To provide developmentally appropriate academic curriculum and assessment.
  • To stimulate a lifetime love of learning.
  • To build a solid sense of self-esteem, achievement, and leadership.
  • To model positive principles of behavior… sharing, caring patience, honesty, forgiveness, kindness, and justice.
  • To help develop continuing values and friendships to last a lifetime.
  • To provide safe, clean, and stimulating centers that provide a healthy atmoshpere which facilitate learning and ensure quality.
  • To add enrichment activities including: private swimming pools and splash park, dance and movement, foreign language, music, creative outside play spaces, sports camps and fun field trips.
  • To support positive family relationships.
  • To provide ongoing support where parents have a voice in their child’s educational development.
  • To provide parents the very best care for their children and the peace of mind that follows in knowing their children are in safe, dedicated hands.
  • To lead the centers with certified and dedicated staff who have years of experience and education.
  • To provide training and mentoring in “model” child care facilities for education students.
  • To expect the highest standards of integrity and leadership throughout the community for all of our staff.

Hear From Some of our Families 

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